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Home Improvement: How do you prepare to renovate your home?

Things you should know before renovating your house

Renovating the house It can be said to be another exciting matter that fills the home owner with happiness. But it is full of risks that can be costly. Or create additional problems as well. Especially if it is not handled properly or has not been examined by a professional first. Let’s see what all homeowners should consider when planning to initially renovate an old home.

Study the law on home renovations

Before renovating an old house, you should first study the law to determine if what you want to do is a house renovation. Or is it a home modification? Because it will affect whether you have to ask for permission to do it or not. The law related to home additions is specified in Ministerial Regulation No. 11 (1985) with the following details.

  1. Changing the structure using the same material, size, quantity, and type as the original does not require permission. except reinforced concrete structures reinforced concrete and steel structure You must ask for permission every time whether it is a change to the original or not.
  2. Any additions that increase the weight of the original structure by more than 10 percent must request permission.
  3. An extension or reduction of any floor area exceeding 5 square meters by adding or reducing columns and beams. Must ask for permission.
  4. Adding or reducing the roof area by more than 5 square meters by adding or reducing pillars and beams. Must ask for permission.

In addition to the above laws You should also look at other current laws. Including local laws when renovating. Because there may be other limitations, such as the location of the entrance to the house that may need to be further away from the main road. or the receding distance has changed

Check structure and surrounding conditions

Normally, before buying a second-hand home, there will be an inspection of the home before transferring. But when renovating a house, you should check the structure. and surrounding conditions repeat again before Especially in the case of an old house. Because there may have already been an addition. If you don’t notice and then add on again, it may cause the house to not be up to standard according to the house structure that was designed. Or the house may be at a stage in its lifespan that is at risk of deterioration. which will also affect the renovation etc.

In summary Things that should be checked include:

  1. Check if there are any existing additions or not. In order to see whether or not if we add more, permission will be required. By comparing with the original plan.
  2. Check for cracks in the building. Various floors and pillars along with finding the source of the crack and what problem it caused.
  3. Observe the level of the building relative to the road and surrounding ground to prevent problems that may follow, such as floor subsidence.

which inspects the house structure And the surrounding environment will help roughly estimate the cost of renovating the house, so it is an important step to help reduce mistakes. and help prevent the budget from escalating.

Set your objectives clearly. Plan carefully.

Renovating a home has many purposes. Whether it is the restoration of an old house or an addition according to your needs. Each goal will have additional things to consider. Things to buy And the steps that need to be taken are different. Setting clear goals will help you plan. And set the budget at an appropriate level without encountering problems that may cause you to stop working along the way.


Source of information: kasikornbank.com